- FPDS-NG is the source system for NPDV data.
- In the Geographical Query By Location, if a record is missing the POP State, it will not be displayed or totaled into the FY Obligations that is displayed for the selected State.
- Also in the Geographical Query, if a record has a POP State, but is missing the POP Congressional District Code, it will be categorized in a Congressional District labeled 'NA'.
- Because the Geographical Query By Location displays data at the modification level, it will display only those actions awarded in the Fiscal Year queried. The Contract Number Query and Adhoc Query By Contractor display data at the composite level and display awards that are active during the Fiscal year queried.
- Be advised that FPDS-NG does not require the capture of Intragovernmental awards, also called Inter-Agency Agreements (IAAs). Beginning in FY07 and going forward, IAA awards are not all included in NPDV.