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RECOVERY Map Query | Adhoc Query By Contractor | Geographical Query By Location | Contract Number Query

NPDV: NASA Procurement Data View Title Image

Version History

Version 6.3

6.3 - (11/17/22)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following CRQs:
    CRQ-284578 Add the IT Procurement Office (ITPO/TECH) as a Center
    CRQ-273873 Update name of the NASA Management Office at JPL to the NASA Office of JPL Management and Oversight (NOJMO)
6.2 - (08/27/20)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following CRQ:
    CRQ-257482 Security Updates.
6.1 - (01/16/20)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following CRQ:
    CRQ-247211 Security Updates.
6.0 - (02/21/19)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following CRQ:
    CRQ-214756 Update NPDV to stop retrieving POC information from the FBO Pullback Tables.
5.11 - (06/07/18)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    CRQ-208573 When querying NPDV FY17 WA State for LARC, the results are showing all centers.
5.10 - (10/1/17)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    CRQ-177732 Update NPDS and NPDV to discontinue use of ZIPINFO tables.
5.9 - (12/1/16)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    CRQ-129003 Address security findings
5.8 - (07/12/16)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    CRQ-53305: Upgrade of the remaining NAIS servers to support RHEL Version 7
5.7 - (03/31/16)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-335999: Implement AAC per IR SR-304106 in NPDV and NPDS.
5.6 - (10/01/15)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-336957: complete development to update NPDV to retrieve POC information from the FBO Pullback Tables replacing EPS.
5.5 - (07/09/15)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-339258 Optimize the NAICS code Query.
5.4 - (06/04/15)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-331313 Add Excel output to the NPDV Map queries based on prototype to HQ.
5.3 - (02/12/15)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-302183: Update NPDV Small Business Ad Hoc Search with other Socioeconomic Categories.
5.2 - (06/26/14)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SRs:
    SR-301843: Per NASA HQ's Digital Strategy, Install GOOGLE ANALYTICS for NAIS Public facing websites.
    SR-301845: Per NASA HQ's Digital Strategy, install pulse for NAIS public facing websites.
5.1 - (05/29/14)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SR:
    SR-302473: Update Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) to Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC)
5.0 - (03/14/14)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SRs:
    SR-291091: NPDV Enhancements outlined in IR 272512:
        › Address issue of long running reports
        › Correct problems with coded fields
        › Redo the list of award types
        › Remove access to all data prior to FY’05
        › Report contract details directly from an Adhoc search (Excel)
        › Provide a single form input for multiple NAICS code selections
    SR-279755: Make NPDV Section 508 Compliant.
4.8 - (09/19/13)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-285817:
    Address the non-high security vulnerabilities identified in the NAIS 6/8/13 HailStorm scan on
4.7 - (05/23/13)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-282452:
    Correct issue with logic in NPDV that mods having a Signed Date after the Current Completion Date are getting omitted.
4.6 - (02/21/13)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-276170:
    Complete sanitization of every available input field for NPDV to prevent SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks.
4.5.1 - (01/24/13)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-270679:
    Mitigate for NAIS Vulnerability in NFR 2012-IT AP-04 (Cross-site Scripting - NPDV).
4.5 - (02/23/12)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-243909:
    Implement code changes and/or WAF configuration necessary to protect NPDV and remove the current exemption.
4.4.2 - (12/29/11)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-252648:
    Update NPDV to support the 2012 NAICS Code structure.
4.4.1 - (08/25/11)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-242265:
    Demonstrate correction for adhoc NPDV search for contractors with a tick mark causing an error when drilling down.
4.4 - (05/12/11)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-229756:
    Protect the NAIS public tools from potential Cyber attacks.
4.3.5 - (04/07/11)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-232857:
    Fix NPDV to display contract data when specifying All Years from
4.3.4 - (09/02/10)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-209403:
    Update NPDV To Include New Instrument Type.
4.3.3 - (08/05/10)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-212764:
    FPDS-NG is Storing a New Value for Initiative.
4.3.2 - (07/01/10)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-210156:
    Problems With Outside U.S. Display In Contract And Map Search.
4.3.1 - (03/12/10)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-199468:
    Update NPDV To Receive TAS Code From the New TAS field in FPDS-NG 1.4 instead of the description field.
4.2.3 - (01/25/10)  (Note: This release was out of sequence due to customer-directed requirements)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-185753: Provide a direct link for Recovery MAP searches
4.3 - (10/06/09)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement the following SRs
    SR-185776: Enable Mod-Level Reporting for All NPDV Map Searches After FY04.
    SR-185778: Update NPDV to Support FY Changes.
4.2.2 - (07/30/09)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-177040: Display Recovery records at Mod level
4.2.1 - (04/09/09)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-170717: NPDV Map Place Of Performance Not Displayed For Outside U.S.
4.2 - (03/27/09)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR-169743: Enable NPDV To Support Recovery Act.
4.1 - (10/07/08)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement SR000000153589: Prepare NPDV for FY09 data (yearly task).
4.0 - (09/30/08)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20080026: Update NPDV To Pull Post-Award Procurement Data From The New FPDS-NG Mirror On NAIS.
3.4.5 - (07/11/08)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20080033: ADHOC QUERY BUG FOR FY SEARCHES.
3.4.4 - (04/14/08)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20080011: NAICS CODE MISSING FROM NPDV CONTRACT DETAIL PAGE.
3.4.3 - (12/19/07)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20070059: Place of Performance Data Missing From NPDV
3.4.2 - (08/30/07)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20070028: Increase Description Fields To Accommodate 300 Words
3.4.1 - (11/13/06)
  • The purpose of this software release is to implement CCR 20060040 and rename NPMS to NPDV
3.4 - (09/29/06)
  • Update to enable the reporting of FY05 and 06 data
3.4 - (02/01/06)
  • CCR20050069 - Establish APL as an independent center for iNPMS
3.3 - (01/12/06)
  • CCR20050041 - Added date range options for Fiscal 05 and Fiscal 06
3.2 - (02/05/04)
  • CCR20030057 - Update NPMS with new FY data
3.1 - (02/28/03)
  • Rename FACS to NASA Procurement Management System (NPMS)
3.02 - (11/19/02)
  • Update FACS with new FY
  • Updated Award Type to include Grants and Cooperate Agreements
3.01 - (11/23/01)
  • Update FACS with new FY
  • CCR 99-025 Allow user the ability to search with multiple NAICS/SIC codes
3.00 - (10/26/00)
  • Converted all data storage to MySQL database

  • FPDS-NG is the source system for NPDV data.
  • In the Geographical Query By Location, if a record is missing the POP State, it will not be displayed or totaled into the FY Obligations that is displayed for the selected State.
  • Also in the Geographical Query, if a record has a POP State, but is missing the POP Congressional District Code, it will be categorized in a Congressional District labeled 'NA'.
  • Because the Geographical Query By Location displays data at the modification level, it will display only those actions awarded in the Fiscal Year queried. The Contract Number Query and Adhoc Query By Contractor display data at the composite level and display awards that are active during the Fiscal year queried.
  • Be advised that FPDS-NG does not require the capture of Intragovernmental awards, also called Inter-Agency Agreements (IAAs). Beginning in FY07 and going forward, IAA awards are not all included in NPDV.

NASA Insignia Owner: Jamiel Charlton | Technical Support | Privacy Policy | Accessibility
Last revised: 22 November 2022 by VLD