Guidance for the Preparation and Submission of Unsolicited Proposals

Revised May 2016



Table of Contents


I. Introduction

(a) Important Caveat to Potential Proposers

II. Eligibility

(a) Applicant Eligibility

(b) Defining An Unsolicited Proposal

(c) What Is Not An Unsolicited Proposal

III. Submission

(a) How to Submit

(b) When To Submit

(c) Revision or Withdrawal

(d) Interagency Coordination

IV. Proposal Form and Content

(a) Format

(b) Length

(c) Cover Pages

(d) Proposal Content

V. Evaluation

VI. Selection or Declination of Unsolicited Proposals

VII. Award

VIII. NASA Research Areas and Other NSPIRES Cover Page Questions




I. Introduction

NASA encourages the submission of unique and innovative proposals that will further the Agency's mission. While the vast majority of proposals are solicited, ( a small number of unsolicited proposals that cannot be submitted to those solicitations and yet are still relevant to NASA are reviewed and some are funded each year.

This document provides guidelines for the preparation of formal unsolicited proposals to those who wish to convey their creative methods or approaches to NASA. These guidelines apply to all unsolicited proposals for financial assistance (i.e., those that would result in grants and cooperative agreements) regardless of the NASA Installation or Agency program for which they are intended. However, these guidelines do not apply to solicited proposals, nor do they apply to proposals that would result in contracts, i.e., they are not for acquisition. Projects toward the research and development end of the spectrum are more likely to result in a grant (or grant-like award), rather than a contract and thus more likely to be suitable as unsolicited proposals. Proposals to provide supplies or services or to otherwise satisfy a NASA requirement, i.e., those that would result in a contract, do not fall under this guidance but are instead governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the NASA FAR Supplement (NFS).

(a) Important Caveat to Potential Proposers

Before any effort is expended in preparing a proposal, potential proposers should:

(1) Review the current versions of the NASA Strategic Plan and documents from the specific directorate, office, or program for which the proposal is intended (e.g., the Science Plan, the Strategic Space Technology Investment Plan, the Aeronautics Strategic Vision, Voyages: Charting the Course for Sustainable Human Space Exploration, etc.) to determine if the work planned is sufficiently relevant to current goals to warrant a formal submission. NASA will return without peer review any proposal that is deemed not relevant to the office to which it was sent.

(2) Potential proposers must review current opportunities (e.g., at to determine if any solicitation already exists to which the potential project could be proposed. NASA will return without review any proposal that could have been responsive to a recent or current solicitation, or one that is currently planned for the near future. Having missed a deadline for a recent open solicitation does not allow a proposal to be submitted as an unsolicited proposal.

(3) Potential proposers should review current awards (e.g., by doing key word searches at, or at the NSSC grant status page, and the NASA Life and Physical Sciences Task Book) to learn what, if any, related work is already funded by NASA. Such preparation reduces the risk of redundancy, improves implementation, and sometimes results in collaboration.

Finally, after those three things have been done, the proposer may contact an appropriate NASA person to determine whether NASA has any interest in the type of work being proposed and if any funding is currently available. Since NASA does not reserve any funding for unsolicited proposals, viable ideas may not be supported simply for lack of funds. Discussions between NASA and potential proposers that convey an understanding of the Agency mission and needs relative to the type of effort contemplated do not jeopardize the unsolicited status of any subsequently submitted proposal.


II. Eligibility

(a) Applicant Eligibility

Any category of organization or institution may submit an unsolicited proposal. There is no restriction on teaming arrangements involving US organizations, including teaming with government personnel. However, each proposal must be a separate, stand-alone, complete document for evaluation purposes and any proposal that involves more than one organization should describe the distinct contributions expected from any participating investigator or organization, including facilities or equipment that may be required. When multiple organizations are involved in a single proposal, government labs are generally funded directly, but other than that a single award is made to the submitting organization (see Section VII). Simultaneous submission of related proposals from cooperating organizations is permitted if it indicates the nature of the relationship among the proposals, and these may result in parallel awards.

NASA's policy is to conduct research with foreign entities on a cooperative, no-exchange-of-funds basis. NASA does not normally fund foreign research proposals from foreign organizations, nor research efforts by individuals at foreign organizations as part of U.S. research proposals. This includes subawards from US organizations to investigators at foreign organizations and also travel by individuals at foreign organizations to conduct research, fieldwork, and present at conferences. Rather, each country agrees to bear the cost of discharging their respective responsibilities (i.e., the work to be done by team members affiliated with organizations in their country). The direct purchase of supplies and/or services, which do not constitute research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S. award recipients is permitted. Proposals from foreign entities must be submitted in the same format as U.S. proposals and in U.S. dollars. All information should be typed and in English. The proposal should emphasize the unique nature of the project and/or the unique expertise of the proposer. Foreign proposals will go through the same evaluation and selection process as U.S. Proposals

There are special restrictions on NASA regarding the People's Republic of China. Proposals must not include bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination with China or any Chinese-owned company or entity, whether funded or performed under a no-exchange-of-funds arrangement. In accordance with Public Law 113-235, Division B, Title V, Section 532, NASA is prohibited from funding any work that involves the bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination with China or any Chinese-owned company or entity, at the prime recipient level or at any subrecipient level, whether funded or performed under a no-exchange-of-funds arrangement. Proposals involving bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination in any way with China or any Chinese-owned company, whether funded or performed under a no-exchange-of-funds arrangement, may be ineligible for award.

Finally, only proposals for financial assistance (i.e., grants and cooperative agreements) are covered by this guidance. See the introduction for information regarding contracts, which are not covered by this document.

If a commercial organization wants to receive a grant or cooperative agreement, cost sharing is required unless the commercial organization can demonstrate that it does not expect to receive substantial compensating benefits for performance of the work. If this demonstration is made, cost sharing is not required but may be offered voluntarily. Reference also 2 CFR §1800.922 and 14 CFR §1274.204, (Costs and Payments), paragraph (b), Cost Sharing

(b) Defining An Unsolicited Proposal

An unsolicited proposal is a written submission to an Agency on the initiative of the submitter for the purpose of obtaining an award from the Government and that is not in response to a formal or informal request (other than a publicized general statement of needs or a document such as this one). For more information see Section 5.3 (Non-Competitive Awards) of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual.

To be eligible as an unsolicited proposal, a submission must:

1.   Be of high scientific and/or technical merit: presenting unique and innovative methods, approaches, concepts, or advanced technologies, demonstrate adequate qualifications, capabilities and experience of the proposed team, facilities or other capabilities of the Offeror, and display a high overall standing of vs. the state of the art.
2.   Be relevant to NASA generally and specifically to the office within NASA to which the proposal is directed.
3.   Have reasonable and realistic proposed costs, and
4.   The proposal can not be eligible for a recent, current, or pending NASA solicitation, see the important caveat to potential proposers in the Introduction.

Moreover, the proposal must contain adequate detail and be clear and organized enough that reviewers can easily assess the criteria above.

(c) What Is Not An Unsolicited Proposal

A proposal that fails to meet the definition of an unsolicited proposal, or that falls under any of the seven following categories is not a valid unsolicited proposal:

1. Technical correspondence that consists of a written inquiry from an individual, academic researcher, or others that should be addressed to NASA program offices, including:

•   Inquiries regarding NASA's interest in research areas,
•   Pre-proposal exploration,
•   General technical inquiries,
•   Concepts or ideas with little detail,
•   Unofficial submissions not sent in according to the submission instructions here, and
•   Research descriptions or suggestions that do not request NASA resources, typically funding.

2. Proposals for known NASA requirements that can be acquired by a competitive method, such as an offer to perform ordinary tasks (e.g., provide computer facilities or services) or that resemble a current, recent, or pending formal NASA solicitation.

3. Proposals for commercial items that are usually sold to the general public.

4. Advertising material designed to acquaint the Government with a prospective contractor's present products or potential capabilities.

5. Contributions that are concepts, suggestions, or ideas presented to the Government in which the source may not devote any further effort to it on the Government's behalf.

6. An invention or discovery that has officially received a patent or is otherwise protected under title 35 of the U.S. Code. If the Proposer is an owner of an issued U.S. patent, he or she may offer NASA a license in the patented invention by writing to the Office of the Associate General Counsel, Commercial and Intellectual Property Practice Group, NASA Headquarters, 300 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20546. Please identify the U.S. patent number in your correspondence. An investigation will then be made to determine the extent of NASA's interest. Note that only U.S. patents will be considered.

7. A proposal for a new award or the renewal of an existing award that falls within the scope of an open NASA solicitation. These proposals must be submitted in response to that announcement unless it is determined that doing so will place the unsolicited proposal at a competitive disadvantage. If such a determination is made, the unsolicited proposal will be evaluated separately.

8. An unsolicited proposal is not an appropriate mechanism to request start-up funds to establish a laboratory.


III. Submission

(a) How To Submit

All proposals must be submitted electronically via the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) in response to the unsolicited proposal response structure. After logging into NSPIRES a prospective proposer should follow the link from "Proposals/NOIs" and then "Create Proposal" choose source = "Solicitation" click continue and then click the radio button for "Unsolicited" and proceed from there. As part of the submission process proposers will answer the program specific questions on the NSPIRES web pages that will identify the appropriate Proposal Coordinating Office at NASA. Refer to the example questions in Section VIII at the end of this document.

All proposals to NASA must be submitted electronically. No hard copy proposals will be accepted. The only exceptions will be granted consistent with Section 5.1.5 of the Grants and Cooperative Agreements Manual. Electronic proposals must be submitted by one of the officials at the PI's organization who is authorized to make such a submission; electronic submission by the authorized organization representative (AOR) serves for the proposal as the required original signature by an authorized official of the proposing organization. Every organization that intends to submit an unsolicited proposal to NASA must be registered in NSPIRES. Registration must be performed by an organization's electronic business point-of-contact in the System for Award Management Each individual team member (e.g., PI, Co-Investigators, etc.), including all personnel named on the proposal's electronic cover page, must be individually registered in NSPIRES. Each individual team member must confirm their participation on that proposal (indicating team member role) and specify an organizational affiliation. Only one version of a proposal should be submitted to NASA. Proposals that duplicate (or that have significant overlap with) a proposal under review with NASA should not be submitted to NASA.

Although any individual may create a proposal and release it to their organization, only a responsible person authorized to represent and obligate the offeror (an Authorized Organizational Representative or AOR) may officially "submit" a proposal via NSPIRES. For more information about the registering an organization in NSPIRES and or affiliating as an individual with an existing organization please see the NSPIRES tutorials and user guides at

(b) When To Submit

There are no specific dates for the submission of unsolicited proposals. However, proposals should be submitted at least six (6) months in advance of the desired starting date. Each year a new response structure will be created in NSPIRES near the start of the Governmentclass='MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle's fiscal year beginning October 1 of each year, and ending one year later. Proposals should be submitted in the same fiscal year in which they were created. If a proposal is not submitted by the end of the fiscal year then it may be lost and will have to be recreated in the following fiscal year's response structure.

(c) Revision or Withdrawal

Proposals may be withdrawn by the proposing organization at any time. If the offeror wishes to submit additional material or submit a revision an AOR must withdraw the proposal in NSPIRES and, after revision, resubmit via NSPIRES. The resubmitted proposal will be given a new proposal number in NSPIRES. Major revisions are likely to delay the evaluation process.

(d) Interagency Coordination

NASA does not transfer formal submissions to or accept similar submissions from other agencies, except as they might be related to an interagency funding arrangement. Unsolicited proposals submitted to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are not considered as formal submissions to NASA.


IV Proposal Form and Content

(a) Format

Proposers must adhere to the standard format described in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, or a format described in a recent solicitation from the directorate or office for which the proposal is intended. If the proposal is so disorganized or poorly written that evaluators deem it a significant obstacle to evaluation, it may be returned without review. The Proposer has the option to resubmit the proposal after making modifications.

(b) Length

Proposals should be brief and concentrate on substantive material essential for a complete understanding of the project. Experience shows that few proposals require a technical section that exceeds 15 pages to adequately explain the proposed work, and many are shorter. Indeed, rather than investing considerable effort into a lengthy and detailed unsolicited proposal, proposers are strongly encouraged to submit brief (1-3 page) summary focused on what is proposed why, and the unique qualifications of the proposer(s), to allow NASA to ascertain if the proposed work is relevant and eligible. Please see the NASA Guidebook for Proposers for what is included in each section of a proposal and which sections are page limited. All necessary detailed information, such as figures, tables, charts, engineering diagrams, CVs, current and pending support, and budgets should be included in the single proposal PDF file uploaded into NSPIRES.

(c) Cover page Information

As is the case for all proposals submitted via NSPIRES, the web interface will prompt the proposer for basic information at the time of proposal creation, such as proposal title and organizational affiliation of the PI, and will permit the PI to choose team members, assign their roles and access, and enter budget information. Proposers should familiarize themselves with NSPIRES. NSPIRES tutorials and user guides at The proposer or AOR will have to answer other questions prior to proposal submission to help NASA assign unsolicited proposals to the right department for evaluation. Please see Section VIII at the end of this guidance document.

(d) Proposal Content

Unsolicited proposals should include the fundamental parts given in Section 2.3 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers to facilitate an objective and timely evaluation. In particular, proposers should refer to the table in Section 2.3.1(a) Proposal Checklist. If the Proposal is missing content that evaluators deem required for evaluation, it may be returned without review. The Proposer has the option to resubmit the proposal after making modifications.

(i) Project Summary

The NSPIRES system will require proposers to provide a "Project Summary" of up to 4000 characters (including spaces and invisible control characters if cut and paste from Microsoft Word) that provides an overview of the proposed investigation. This abstract or Proposal Summary will be publicly accessible should the proposal be selected, so it should not contain any proprietary data or information that should not be released to the public (e.g., ITAR).

(ii) Data Management Plan

The NSPIRES system will require proposers provide a data management plan (DMP) of up to 4000 characters (including spaces and invisible control characters if cut and paste from Microsoft Word) as part of the proposal cover page. The kind of proposal that requires a data management plan is described in the NASA Plan for increasing access to results of Federally funded research and those proposing to the Science Mission Directorate may also refer to the SARA FAQs on this subject. This requirement supersedes the data-sharing plan mentioned in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. If the proposer feels that it would be useful to provide more information on data management or archiving, they may do so in the body of the technical proposal.

(iii) Project Description: The Main Scientific/Technical part of the proposal

Proposers are encouraged to refer to the descriptions of the expected content and constituent parts of a proposal that appear in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. The main body of the proposal should be a detailed statement of the work to be undertaken. The proposal should describe the complete project. The proposal should clearly describe what work is being done when and why. The duration of the project should be adequately justified. It should include objectives and expected significance (particularly in the context of the national aerospace effort), relation to the present state of knowledge in the field, relation to any previous work done on the project, and to related work in progress elsewhere. The document should fully describe the implementation, including the design of any experiments, observations, instrument development or modeling to be undertaken, methods and procedures at a level of detail adequate to demonstrate the likelihood of success. The best proposals present uncertainties in measurements, address potential pitfalls, and consider alternatives.

(iv) Management Approach.

Proposals for large or complex efforts involving interactions among numerous individuals or other organizations should describe plans for distribution of responsibilities and necessary arrangements for ensuring a coordinated effort. Aspects of any important working relations with organizations other than the offeror, including Government Agencies, especially NASA that were not already defined elsewhere in the proposal, should be described in the management section.

(v) Personnel

Every team member identified as a participant on the proposal's cover page and/or in the proposal's Scientific/Technical/Management Section must acknowledge his/her intended participation in the proposed effort. The NSPIRES proposal management system allows for participants named on the Proposal Cover Page to acknowledge a statement of commitment electronically. If the team member cannot confirm their participation in NSPIRES then the proposer may include a statement of participation from this person in the body of the proposal

Outline the relevant experience and/or expertise of all key personnel in a way that would demonstrate these capabilities in relation to the proposed effort; a short biographical sketch, a list of principal publications, and any exceptional qualifications should be included. Give the names and titles of any others associated substantially with the project in an advisory capacity. Any substantial collaboration with individuals not referred to in the budget or use of consultants should be described.

The Proposer or principal investigator will be responsible for direct supervision of the work and participates in the conduct of the effort regardless of whether or not compensation is received under the award.

Educational institutions should list the approximate number of students/assistants involved in the project and information about their level of academic attainments.

Omit social security numbers and any personal information not required for NASA to evaluate the proposal.

(vi) Facilities and Equipment

Identify any unique facilities, Government-owned facilities, industrial plant equipment or special tooling that will be required. A letter is required from the owner of any facility or resource that is not under the PI's direct control, acknowledging that the facility or resource is available for the proposed use during the proposed period. For Government facilities, the availability of the facility to users is often stated in the facilities documentation or web page. Where the availability is not publicly stated, or where the proposed use goes beyond the publicly stated availability, a statement, signed by the appropriate Government official at the facility verifying that it will be available for the required effort, is sufficient.

(vii) Proposed Costs

Proposals must state the funding level being requested accompanied by a budget with sufficient detail to permit an understanding of the basis of the funding request. As applicable, include separate cost estimates for the following:

List estimated expenses as yearly requirements by major work phases. If the proposal is multi-year in scope, submit separate cost estimates for each year.

List salaries and wages in appropriate organizational categories; for example, principal investigator, other scientific and engineering professionals, graduate research assistants and technicians, and other non-professional personnel. Estimate personnel data in terms of full months or fractions of full time. Do not use separate "confidential" or "proprietary" salary pages.

Proposers may not acquire and charge general-purpose equipment in excess of $5K as a direct cost without the advance, written approval of the Agency's Grant Officer. Such requests must explain why indirect costs cannot be charged for the requested item or items and what controls will be put in place to assure that the property will be used exclusively for research purposes (i.e., explain why the proposed general purpose equipment cannot also be used for other purposes).

Explanatory notes should accompany the budget to provide identification and estimated costs of major capital equipment items to be acquired; purpose and estimated number and lengths of trips planned; basis for indirect costs; and clarification of other items that are not self-evident. Allowable costs are governed by 2 CFR 200.

(viii) Other Matters

Include any required statements of environmental impact of the effort, human subject or animal care provisions, conflict of interest, or such other topics as may be required by the nature of the effort and current statutes, executive orders, or other government-wide guidelines.

As indicated in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, proposers should include a brief description of relevant facilities and previous work experience in the field of their proposals, current and pending support, and a Table of work effort for proposal team members.

(ix) Limited Distribution of Proprietary Information

It is NASA policy to subject proposals to peer review thus the information contained in proposals, including budgets may be made available to subject matter experts both inside and outside of the Agency for evaluation purposes only. Peer reviewers are required to sign non-disclosure agreements prior to viewing the contents of a proposal. Any information that the proposer believes is covered by ITAR should be clearly identified in the proposal.

However, proposers should be aware that the proposal summary, that provides an overview of the proposed project, should be suitable for public release because if the proposal is selected the title, proposal summary, and the name of the PI and their affiliation will be posted in publicly accessible archives such as

(x) Security

If the proposed effort requires access to or may generate national security classified information, the submitter will be required to comply with applicable Government security regulations. Proposals should not contain national security classified material.


V. Evaluation

All unsolicited proposals will receive equitable handling and, if eligible, peer review. The principal elements considered in evaluating a proposal are 1) its technical, scientific and/or engineering merit, 2) relevance to NASA, and 3) the cost realism and reasonableness. Proposers not already familiar with Merit, Relevance and Cost criteria and NASA's evaluation methods should refer to Section C of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers.

Several evaluation techniques are regularly used within NASA. Some proposals are reviewed entirely in-house, others are evaluated by a combination of in-house personnel and selected external reviewers, while still others are subject to a full external peer review either by mail or through assembled panels. Due regard for conflict of interest and protection of proposal information is always part of the process.


VI. Selection or Declination of Unsolicited Proposals

The decision to fund or not fund an unsolicited proposal is made by the selecting official based on the recommendation of NASA technical personnel and also programmatic factors. Even if a proposal is meritorious, relevant and the costs are reasonable, the selecting official may choose not to support the proposed work for other reasons, such as programmatic priorities, limited budget, or because the work is redundant with an existing award.

NASA may support an award as outlined in the proposal budget, or may offer to fund only selected tasks, or all tasks for a shorter duration (e.g., a one year pilot study), or a combination. Awards may be made contingent on acceptable revised versions of budgets, statements of work, data management plans, or other elements in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers.

Whether an unsolicited proposal is selected or declined, NASA will notify in writing the proposer of the decision in a timely manner. Whenever practicable, the evaluations that formed the basis of the decision, or a summary of those evaluations, will be provided to the proposer in writing. Notifications will be made and evaluations will be provided via NSPIRES, but may also be communicated by other methods.

The vast majority of unsolicited proposals to NASA are declined. The bulk of rejections of unsolicited proposals are either due to relevance or cost. A notification letter, citing the reason(s) for rejection, will be sent to the individual who made the submission. Proposers should make inquiries with the NASA official who signed the notification letter.


VII Award

If a proposal is accepted, any budget negotiation and making the award will be handled by the Center Grant Officer. The unsolicited proposal will be used as the basis for negotiation with the original submitter. Additional information specific to the award process (certifications, cost and pricing data, facilities information, etc.) will be requested as the negotiations progress.

Unless otherwise noted in negotiations, NASA will send funds directly to any Co-Is at NASA centers and other Government laboratories, including JPL. Thus, if a proposal submitted by a university has a Government Co-I, the funds will not pass through the university, so the university (or other institution that receives a grant) should not include overhead or any other pass through charges on those funds. However, the proposer should assume that funds for Co-Is who do not work for the Government will pass through the grant recipient and those charges may be applied. Regardless of whether a Co-I will be funded through a subaward via the proposing institution or funded directly by NASA, the budget for the proposal must include all funding requested from NASA for the proposed investigation so as to facilitate the review of the budget by the grant officer upon which the award is contingent.


VIII NASA Research Areas and Other NSPIRES Cover Page Questions

As part of the submission process proposers will be asked to answer the program specific questions on the NSPIRES web pages that will help NASA identify the appropriate Proposal Coordinating Office at NASA to which their proposal should be directed. The example questions appear below. Note that the questions provided below are samples only; actual questions may differ and proposer should answer those questions they are presented with within NSPIRES.

1: Please select a NASA component that most closely represents the subject of your proposal. (You must choose one.)

•    Aeronautics Research
•    Earth and Space Science Research
•    Education/Public Outreach
•    Space Exploration and Operations
•    Space Technology Development or Demonstration
•    I don't know

2: Please select a NASA Center where there might be a particular interest in your proposal. (You must choose one.)

•    Ames Research Center
•    Armstrong Flight Research Center
•    Glenn Research Center
•    Goddard Space Flight Center
•    NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
•    Johnson Space Center
•    Kennedy Space Center
•    Langley Research Center
•    Marshall Space Flight Center
•    Stennis Space Center
•    Wallops Flight Facility
•    Not applicable or unknown


3: Please select a research, technology development, or outreach category that most closely aligns with the main topic of your proposal. (You must choose one.)

Advanced Air Vehicles
Airspace Operations and Safety
Astronomy and/or Astrophysics
Earth Science
Exoplanet Research
Game-Changing Technology Development
Human Research
Integrated Aviation Systems
Planetary Science
Public Awareness
Small Spacecraft Technology Development
Space Biology
Space Flight Operations
Space Launch Systems
Space Physical Sciences
Space Technology Research
Technology-Based Innovative Advanced Concepts
Transformative Aeronautics Concepts

4: Describe the objectives of your proposal and their relevance to NASA. You are strongly encouraged to link your objectives to NASA's strategic plan. (You may enter up to 4,000 characters.)

5: Briefly explain why you are submitting an unsolicited proposal instead of responding to a NASA solicitation. (You may enter up to 4,000 characters.)  Please note: Before submitting an unsolicited proposal you should determine whether your proposal is within the scope of a current NASA opportunity. NASA will return without review any unsolicited proposal that is within scope of a current NASA opportunity, as explained in the Guidance for the Preparation and Submission of Unsolicited Proposals. Also explain whether or not this proposal was previously submitted to NASA, either as an unsolicited proposal or in response to a solicitation/funding opportunity.

6: Provide data management plan (DMP) or explain why one is unnecessary given the nature of the work proposed. Refer to the NASA Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research for additional instructions. (You may enter up to 4,000 characters. Enter more information, if required, in the technical section of your proposal.)

7: Does this proposal contain information and data that are subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations including Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)?  <Yes/No> Please note: If you answer "yes" the cover of the proposal should have a notice that clearly indicates which parts of the proposal (e.g., page number, section, figure) contain export control information. Indicate all information and data that are subject to provisions of U.S. export control laws and regulations as described above. Be sure to describe clearly or highlight information and data that contain export-controlled material so they can be redacted, if necessary, prior to proposal review.

8: Does the proposed work include any involvement with collaborators in China or with Chinese organizations or does the proposed work include activities in China?   <Yes/No>  NASA's appropriation from Congress includes this restriction: "None of the funds made available by this [law] may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or the Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China or any Chinese-owned company unless such activities are specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of enactment of this division."

9: Please provide the name and contact information, if you have it, of a NASA technical, education, or outreach specialist(s) who might have a particular interest in your proposal. Provide name, phone, e-mail, and NASA Center where the interested individual(s) works. <or "N/A" if none>